​​Dimensionering av vägar gjorda av alternativa material för ökad cirkulär materialanvändning​ 

​Mål, syfte och förväntad nytta 

​​The goal is to enhance the utilization of residual (circular) materials in road construction, aligning with the target of achieving climate-neutral infrastructure by 2040. 

​This project aims to investigate several recycled and residual materials for their potential usage in pavement structures and to create the necessary design basis for this, particularly by updating the ME design tool ERAPave PP. 

​The expected outcomes of this project are: 

  1. identification of recycled and residual materials suitable for pavement structures 
  2. enhance the database of recycled material properties calibrated for field conditions
  3. development of a design basis for using recycled materials for specific requirements road structures
  4. increase international cooperation related to the utilisation of recycled and residual materials in pavement structures​ 

​Projektets behovsägare 

​​The project’s needs are primarily the Swedish Transport Administration and the country’s municipalities (milling of road/street surfaces), the construction industry (crushing materials) and the waste management industry (ash and slag). ​ 

Planerade arbetspaket och förväntade leveranser​​

The project is divided into four working packages (WP): 

​WP1   a) Selection of circular materials ; b) Testing of circular materials  

​WP2    Structural design in a ME design scheme (ERAPave PP) 

​WP3    Validation of the predicted performance and calibration of material properties 

WP4    Communication and dissemination 

Kort om projektet


2024/06/01 - 2027/05/31


​​VTI - Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitutet, 202100-0704​


Sigurdur Erlingsson, VTI


​​VTI, Sigurdur Erlingsson

​Afatek A/S, Sören Dyhr-Jensen

Boes Consulting, Torben Boes Overgaard

Sydskånes Avfalls AB SYSAV, Raul Grönholm

Trafikverket, Klas Hermelin

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