Att sluta kretsen: Förbättra järnvägsanläggningars cirkulitet genom hållbar livscykelhantering
Mål, syfte och förväntad nytta
This proposal aims to extend the lifetime of railway assets by predictive maintenance, reducing life cycle costs and environmental and societal impacts while implementing a circular economy (CE) framework.
The aim can be achieved by the following objectives:
- Mapping railway assets life management process highlighting circular model requirements, data aggregation and material flow analysis (MFA),
- Developing new Circular Predictive Maintenance by incorporating sustainability measures and future climate scenarios into maintenance practices.
- Identifying optimal CE scenarios for railway assets by integrating MFA and life cycle sustainability assessments (LCSA) factors
The project outcomes in relevance to the topic of the call are:
- Increase the efficiency of railway assets by prolonging the asset life.
- Increase environmental safety by integrating environmental factors in predictive maintenance decisions.
- Consideration of climate change impacts in the proposed decision support system (DSS) to fulfil future demands and have more knowledge for long-term planning and developments.
- Support infrastructure manager (IM) to increase circularity within railway infrastructure assets by selecting the appropriate CE model.
Projektets behovsägare
TRV and Duroc Rail AB are the need owners. These partners have an active role in developing the project from various points of view. TRV will support the project in terms of data, CE KPI, use-cases implementation, and Duroc Rail AB with knowledge about extreme climatic conditions and the market’s great and constant need for wheel restoration, which will lead to innovation scalability and marketing activities in collaboration with other partners. Omicold AB, as a railway maintenance SME, support the project in terms of CE KPI in transport and transferring knowledge from their previous circularity project, e.g. ReRail.
Planerade arbetspaket och förväntade leveranser
Expected deliverables:
D1: List of publications, innovations, termination and final reporting
D2: Specification and requirements for CE for railway infrastructure asset
D3: Creating databases for CE analyses in railway
D4: Integrated Circular Predictive Maintenance Analytics
D5: Life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) on railway asset
D6: Impact assessment of CE on selected use cases of railway asset
D7: Implementation plan and dissemination activities

Kort om projektet
2024/05/01 - 2027/04/30
Luleå Tekniska Universitet
Amir Garmabaki
Trafikverket, Cecilia Kjellander
Duroc Rail AB, Daniel Eriksson
Omicold AB, Ulla Juntti
Luleå kommun, Mahdieh Ahmadi
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