Challenges and opportunities for transport infrastructure

Sweden’s development and prosperity depends heavily on efficient transport and requires a reliable, safe and sustainable transport infrastructure. Our country’s topographic and demographic conditions, with sparsely populated areas and rapidly growing cities, mean that our transport infrastructure is both complex and socially critical in several respects. The stable and long-term financing of our infrastructure is not enough; we also need innovation that results in increased sustainability, increased productivity and more efficient use of transport infrastructure.

The vision of InfraSweden

A sustainable transport infrastructure that supports the transition towards the 2030 Agenda and will achieve climate neutrality 2045

The programme should achieve the following interim objectives as it works towards the vision::

Increased sustainability

The programme should contribute to sustainable development of the transport infrastructure system and transport by means of innovations.An ecologically and economically sustainable transport infrastructure is a prerequisite for the creation of a socially sustainable society that is characterised by accessibility, equality, safety and security. The programme supports infrastructure innovations that help to bring about climate-neutral transport and increase the resilience and robustness of the infrastructure system to unexpected and radical changes..

Competitive innovations for transport infrastructure

The programme should promote the development of competitive products, processes and services that will be in demand both nationally and internationally. Through openness and cooperation with the outside world, innovations developed elsewhere could help to create a climate-neutral transport infrastructure in Sweden. It is also important to be aware that a climate-neutral transport infrastructure also enables or contributes to the creation of efficient and climate-neutral transport of passengers and freight.

Open, dynamic and attractive sector

The programme should promote creativity, interdisciplinary efforts, stakeholder cooperation and a holistic approach. A strong and dynamic transport infrastructure sector is built by talented people. To encourage such talents to get involved, the sector has to be able to demonstrate how their work will help to create a sustainable society, and that their duties as such are also organised in a sustainable manner; that they are characterised by openness, cooperation, innovation and development opportunities Diversity and gender equality are obvious starting points and objectives for this work.

InfraSweden: a strategic innovation programme

Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency and the Swedish Research Council Formas jointly finance a total of 17 strategic innovation programmes, of which InfraSweden is one. Cooperation in areas of strategic importance to Sweden both creates the preconditions for finding sustainable solutions to global social challenges and increases Sweden’s competitiveness in the international arena. Businesses, academia and organisations join forces under the umbrella of these programmes to develop the sustainable products and services of the future. Anyone who is able to assist with this development is welcome to apply for funding.

InfraSweden makes open calls for innovation in transport infrastructure once per year. The programme also organizes seminars and workshops with industry experts to promote collaboration and innovation in the Swedish transport infrastructure sector.

InfraSweden works through five focus areas

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